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Waiting to Take Action

We convince ourselves that we’ll fix it later or get some help later, but the longer we wait, the worst things get.

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Emotional Indicators

So Peter, when his way isn't working, humbly submits to Jesus, just as we should.

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Emotions Move Us

We all have these emotions of discouragement, fatigue, frustration, and anxiety that begin to show up when things aren’t going the way we wanted.

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Putting in the Work

Jesus invites us to come beside him and simply trust that things can be different if you only have his presence. 

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Connection Problem

Jesus underlines for the disciples that really what matters the most is always connection

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God's Faithful Love

God's desire is for you to know him, to humble yourself, to place your unwavering faith in him, and to be baptized.

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Your Pain is Your Platform

The biggest lesson from Joseph's life is that you are destined to use your pain for God's purpose.

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Destined Doesn't Feel Like It

God wants to use us in a great way, but it sometimes won't feel like he's using us in a great way.

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Our Hope is Not a Wish

Christian hope is not a wish; it's something different entirely.

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