Stay Connected to Jesus

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Southeast Christian ChurchSoutheast Christian Church
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Unconnected to Jesus, Peter couldn't achieve the results he wanted. But when he is connected to Jesus, he bears much fruit. Peter's response is to repent and humbly submit himself to God. Things don't have to stay the same the way things are and don’t have continue on the same path as they have been. This time doesn't have to be like the last time, but it's not going to be because your way works this time. It's going to be because there's a different connection that takes place. 

Church is a place for connection. Sometimes we don't know how much we need it until some things aren't going our way. Sometimes we don't know how much we need it until somebody is honest with us about our disconnection to them and to others. In these moments, we realize it's time that we need to connect more deeply to Jesus and more deeply to other people who follow him. But sometimes you don't know how much you need it until your way isn't working.

In Jesus, we find the life that we need. When we are connected to him, it doesn’t instantly solve all of our problems or answer all of our questions, but we find strength, purpose, and peace. So, when our way isn't working, we pray that it would continually point us back to the connection we are meant to have with Jesus. When our way isn’t working, help us remember what matters most: Staying connected to Jesus and being deeply connected to one another as Christ’s followers.

Reflection/Discussion Question: Who is someone in your life that you need to challenge to rekindle a deep connection with both Jesus and other Christ followers?

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