We can be around Jesus without really being connected to His power and presence. This is where we !nd Simon Peter in Luke 5. Jesus is teaching a large crowd and Simon Peter has a front row seat, yet he seems distracted and discouraged by his lack of production from last night’s !shing excursion. He put in the work but he’s not getting the results he expected. But that all changes when he hears the words of Jesus and puts them into practice, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” A moment of simple trust in and obedience to Jesus changes everything- the fruit comes when Simon Peter’s action is connected to the words and way of Jesus. When all signs point to a disconnection problem, Jesus is inviting us to go deeper with him in trust that apart from him we can do nothing.
For this week's challenge, be intentional about pursuing a deep connection with Jesus in all areas of your life, but especially those that you feel stuck in. Secondly, pursue deep connections with others too. There are so many times that we need one another to lean on or might be called on to help through something difficult. God did not create us to live life apart from Christ or apart from one another.
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