Connection Problem

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Southeast Christian Church
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In John 15, Jesus is walking with his disciples towards the Garden of Gethsemane, and he knows the challenges that they're going to face once he is gone. He knows the insecurity that they're going to deal with. He knows how overwhelmed they're going to be with the mission that he has for them. He knows that people are going to respond to them by being critical, by being accusatory, and by spreading rumors and gossip. He knows that they're going to feel worn out, overwhelmed, and weak. And he knows if they deal with those things by doing it their way, it's never going to work. It's going to create division, cause them to turn on each other, create feelings of discouragement with a lack of progress, and cause them to be crippled with their own inadequacies.

So, in John 15:5, Jesus says to the disciples, “I'm the vine and you're the branches. If you remain in me and I remain in you, you'll bear much fruit. But apart from me, you can do nothing." When we feel stuck, frustrated, or we aren’t seeing the changes we want, we tend to think it's a production problem. We naturally think that we need to fix the issue by working harder, putting in more effort, or by producing our way out of it. But Jesus underlines for the disciples that really what matters the most is always connection. It's a connection problem. It's pointing us to our need for deeper connection. You have to stay connected to him to see the fruit you want to see produced. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: What is a current situation that you find yourself realizing that your way just isn't working?

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