It can be exhausting, both mentally and emotionally, to live in the world these days. As believers, we need to be reminded of the rest and renewal that God wants us to be intentional with, and we want to have purposeful rhythms that reflect what God has directed in Scripture. Rhythm can simply be defined as moving with consistency and intentionality to a certain beat, and we want to understand God's beat for our lives.
For many of us, the challenge is not only a busy calendar, but it's also having a busy and distracted mind. Nowadays, our minds rarely get a chance to rest, but God takes rest seriously and we should as well. We often need to step back and assess how we're prioritizing time to rest, because it is as important as many other spiritual disciplines that we tend to put a higher priority on.
We are constantly distracted, and it has resulted in this being a culture of exhaustion where we're more tired than we've ever been. But we know the pace that everyone else lives by, and so for us to act differently feels weird. It feels uncomfortable. However, life was not meant to be one long run-on sentence with breaks and pauses. We were meant to have intentional rhythms to our days, weeks, and lives.
DISCUSSION/REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you ever feel you are trying to compete against others with your pace or busyness? What can you do this week to shift your perspective on this competitive mindset?