God has intended for all of us to take some time for rest and renewal. No one is excluded from this, including Jesus during his earthly ministry. We see throughout the Gospels that Jesus took time away from the crowds to just spend some quiet time talking to his Father. We read in Mark 1:35 that "very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."
If we see that Jesus makes rest and renewal a priority, then we should too. One way to achieve this feeling of rest and renewal is through some quiet one-on-one time with God, like Jesus did in the previous passage. This week, set aside some time to spend talking to God in a quiet, solidarity place. You might be surprised by what God reveals to you during that time. Make sure to share your story here with how this time with God impacted you!
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