Love Makes You Committed

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Southeast Christian ChurchSoutheast Christian Church
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When you get married, you are declaring your love for your spouse, but that love is always backed up by a commitment to continue loving them through every season of life. You know that when someone tells you that they love you, but doesn’t commit to living out that love, then the declaration of love was just a fleeting emotion.

Our relationship with Jesus is the same. If we love Jesus, we will be committed to a life of loving him. If we love Jesus, we will be committed to the work of loving other people (and it will be work). If you’ve been married for any length of time, you know that loving people is hard work. If the people with whom you have an emotional connection can be difficult to love, imagine how hard it is to love your enemies. But if we love Jesus, we will love even our worst enemies. 

Love is a commitment, not a feeling. We don’t love Jesus when it’s easy, convenient, or sensible. We love Jesus always — no matter what. It means we are committed to loving the people that he loves. We are committed to rooting out sin in our lives. We are committed to obeying his commandments. A life marked by the love of Jesus is one that will consistently be marked by an unwavering commitment to Jesus’s way. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: What gets in the way of committing yourself to Jesus?

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