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Chosen Instrument

We are messy and broken but redeemed for God’s purpose.

0 6

Church Hurt

We want to grow in righteousness together as a community.

0 9

Receiving Someone Different

The Church was going to be really challenged with embracing the mess when they reluctantly welcome a man named Paul.

0 8

Embrace the Messiness

The Church can be a place that is beautiful, but it's often a beautiful mess.

0 8

The Problem of Pain

How we handle and endure trials and suffering is what sets us apart from the rest of the world.

0 7

Forgiveness has a Cost

When a wrongdoing or sin occurs, someone must pay the price for that.

0 6

How the Holy Spirit Works

We all struggle at times with understanding the meaning of what is written in Scripture, and it's important to acknowledge that it's okay to ask others for their help to interpret what you read.

0 4

Desert Road

Do you obey the simple commands of God?

0 4

Intellectual & Emotional Objections

When you lose sleep over your lost friend or when you cry over your lost friend, you have the heart of your Father.

0 6

Repent and Be Baptized

When we talk about kingdom opportunities, we're almost always talking about taking action today, not someday in the future.

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