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Everyone Worships

Worship is just praising, thanking, and giving God glory for who he is and what he's done.

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False Promises of Idols

By pursuing Jesus first, it has a way of helping us not worship these idols because we are able to recognize that these idols are cheap substitutes. 

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Identifying Our Pursuits

The gifts should draw our heart towards the giver, and when the gifts get in the way of our relationship with the giver, then it's idolatry. 

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Chief Competition

Idol ideology has never been more relevant because God has never had more competition and our idols have never had more access to us. 

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Defining an Idol

One of the reasons that we practice spiritual disciplines is that they teach us to get ourselves off the throne of our heart and put God where he belongs.

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Pursuit of Jesus

Scripture would tell us that spiritual disciplines are all about the pursuit of Jesus.

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Scripture Through Us

We don't simply read the Bible, we let the Bible read us, and we move from being informational readers to where we sit at the feet of Jesus and are transformed by him.

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Starts in the Heart

David is painting the picture of someone who has learned to sit with in delight in God's Scripture because it's more precious than gold and sweeter than honey from the honeycomb.

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Help in the Darkness

The Scriptures will lead you into God's way of living and experiencing a truly abundant life, and your heart can be full of joy.

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Songs of Worship

In verses seven through nine, David uses six different words to describe God's Word in the scriptures: law, statutes, precepts, commands, fear, and decrees.

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