I have someone close to me struggling after a recent divorce from an unfaithful spouse. She’s falling in love again with the one who needs to be #1 in her life. Big steps this weekend as she heads to southern Indiana this weekend to travel down the road to Emmaus on her faces of Christ retreat. Sent her an encouraging text as she begins her journey. God is so good.


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  • Brooke Jackson

    Brooke Jackson

    As a woman in a similar situation I know how much it was appreciated, I know God will bless abundantly for this
  • Mindy Milliner

    Mindy Milliner

    I can relate to your friend's story. I'm divorced due to an unfaithful spouse and I have been on Emmaus. Thank God for encouraging friend's like you! Those friend's were by me thru it all. God is so, so good!
  • Tracy Munson

    Tracy Munson

    God is faithful