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Protecting You, Not Oppressing You
Some of us have put up a wall when it comes to discussing this topic with others or in church, so we pray that God that would break that wall down so we can have softened eyes and hearts to truly hear what we need to. We need to have a biblical foundation that God speaks into, because every day we are being sexually discipled by the world we live in. Discipleship is a word we typically use exclusively in a Christian context to describe growing as a follower of Jesus. But discipleship can be used in really any kind of context. It's this idea that what you're exposed to, begins to shape your beliefs, determine your perspective, and guide your decisions. And more than ever, we're overwhelmed in our culture with content that is focused on discipling us with a certain sexual idea. While we're more exposed to it than we've ever been before, but it’s not something new. That's why Paul writes in Romans 12 to Christians living in Rome: “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” The word conformed literally means to form according to a mold. You have to be intentional to pay attention to what you're being taught and how you're being disciplined by the world, because it is happening constantly without us even realizing it. In this verse, Paul is reminding these first century believers that if they are disciples of Jesus, then they have stop being discipled by their culture around this area of their lives, just as we need to be reminded today.