Alignment with God's Will

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Southeast Christian Church
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There are three kinds of detours you can experience that we want to take a deeper look at. First, some detours are just life circumstances and are just part of living in this fallen world. Things such as a cancer diagnosis, a tree falling on the house after a storm, dealing with infertility, an unplanned pregnancy, or a tragic accident. Then there are other detours that are our own bad choices, such as an unhealthy relationship where you knew better, but it's taken you off course for a little while. Or it's an unguarded heart, where you’ve suddenly found yourself developing feelings for someone other than your spouse. Or it's one drink, but it turns into another relapse. It's a hasty investment and it means you’re never going to be able to retire. These detours are the things that we wish we could do over, but we can't and now we find ourselves on an unplanned, unexpected detour. 

Another detour would be other people's decisions. This is what Joseph experienced in his life; that other people and the decisions they made run him off the road. These other people are not following God's will, but you just happen to be in the car with them and it affects you. One last detour would be God's plan. It's not a detour, but it certainly feels like one when you're in the middle of it. It was actually part of God's plan all along, but it wasn't your plan. When God's plan is different than your plan, you end up calling that a detour even though it's not a detour, but from your perspective, it can feel that way. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: What types of detours do you feel that you experience most often?

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