Oftentimes, we don't realize what we have ourselves because we get our eyes and our mindset so focused on what everybody else has. So many times, we look at what we have and what we don't have, and we play this comparison game where we either feel like we are losing or winning. But it's futile. It'll wear you out. Nothing good will come from it.
2 Corinthians 10:12 tells us, “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” In this verse, Paul is warning the Christians not to compare themselves with others. Don't go around with a measuring tape to see how much others have compared to what you have been given. If they have more, it will make you want to covet that. If they have less, you'll become proud and arrogant.
If your contentment is wrapped up in your financial portfolio, then your self-image is tied to how the stock market did that week. If your contentment is tied to your appearance, then the older you get, the worst you'll feel about yourself and who it is that God made you to be. And if your contentment is wrapped up in your home where it's tied to your job, those things are only temporary and could be gone in an instant. You have a Heavenly Father who will meet all your needs in Christ Jesus, and God blesses us in his way and in his time.
Reflection/Discussion Questions: Do you struggle with comparing yourself and your life to others? What steps can you take to help combat this?