Where Do You Find Your Peace?

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Southeast Christian ChurchSoutheast Christian Church
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When most of us think of peace, we probably picture a specific place—maybe outside away from all noise and distractions. We may think of being alone where we cannot be interrupted. We picture a place where we don’t have responsibilities or a checklist to worry about. The problem is, if this is our definition of peace, we won’t find it in our every day lives.

Our lives are filled with noise, distractions, interruptions, demands, responsibilities, and to-do lists. We can’t even have peace when we sleep because our kids wake us up, or we lie awake at night thinking of all the ways we’re failing or everything we’re forgetting. Not to mention the fact that our world is full of endless opportunities for us to become anxious, annoyed, or apathetic. 

But Jesus offers true peace. A peace that isn’t dependent upon circumstances or feelings. What setd Jesus’s followers apart from the rest of the world is the peace we carry in the midst of the chaos. We don’t have to wait for our next child-less vacation to experience the peace we crave. We can experience unwavering peace through the Holy Spirit right now.

Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (NIV). Jesus’s peace isn’t confined to a place, an emotion, or a circumstance. It outlasts anything that threatens to destroy it. And for this reason, it surpasses our understanding. We won’t understand why we can have peace when everyone else is lost in anxiety. We won’t know why we have peace when the world around us feels like it is on fire. But we can praise God for his gift of unwavering peace that is greater than the superficial peace we try to find elsewhere.

Reflection/Discussion Question: Where are you trying to find peace lately?

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