Help You Finish the Race

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Southeast Christian Church
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Life here on earth can be so difficult and challenging at different times and seasons. We each battle and struggle with our own sins in own ways and need one another to get through the hard times in life. There are some pains and struggles we experience that will, unfortunately, never be understood on this side of Heaven. Even the strong encouragement of a family or friend can be hard to hear or accept when an unexpected and unexplainable tragedy has occurred. However, Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 that “ that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.”

No matter what the enemy or life throws at us, if we have put our hope and faith in Jesus Christ, our hope of Heaven cannot ever be taken away. Encouraging another Christian to continue their walk with the hope and reality of Heaven can drastically change the way that they approach or view a particular circumstance or situation. Throughout the New Testament, Paul encourages his readers by talking about the hope that they have in Heaven and the hope they have of being reunited with their friends and family, several of whom had been martyred for their faith in Jesus. Trials and pains of this world that we experience due our belief and faith in Jesus are of no consequence when compared to the glory and beauty that we will experience someday in Heaven; whether when we pass away or when Jesus returns for the second coming.

Discussion/Reflection Question: Who in your life needs to be reminded of the hope we have in Heaven?

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