Although suffering was never supposed to be a part of the plan, God used and still uses Jesus to turn our graves into gardens. Psalm 30:11-12 says, “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lore my God, I will praise you forever” (NIV).
Not only will God replace our wailing with dancing and clothe us with joy in Heaven, he is doing this work right now. When we live life in the Holy Spirit, we have a deposit guaranteeing what is to come (Ephesians 1:14). This means that we get to experience Christ’s victory over sin and death in our lives right now. We don’t have to wait for Heaven to experience this victory, we just have to wait for Heaven for the fullness of the victory.
Right now, Jesus wants to replace our fear with faith. He wants to replace our anger with unending joy. He wants to replace our apathy with purpose. He wants to show up in our pain and suffering and offer hope and peace. Jesus is undoing the damage of sin and death every single day, and he is inviting us to be a part of this work.
Every time someone is baptized, we are a part of this work. Every time someone surrenders to Jesus, we are a part of this work. Every time we overcome sin and temptation, we are a part of this work. Every time we disciple believers to follow Jesus whole-heartedly, we are a part of this work.
Jesus wants to use our brokenness and make it into something beautiful, and then he wants to use our stories to make more brokenness beautiful. The work of Heaven is happening in our midst right now, are you ready to be a part of it?
Reflection/Discussion Question: How have you been a part of or experienced Jesus’s redemptive work in your life?