Most of us are on this quest of searching for real life. But one of the mistakes we often make with things and object is we think they can make us happier and help us on the path to figuring out where we find real life. It's not that these things don't have value because they do. The problem is we misplace the amount of value they add to our lives; that a house can only make you as happy as your house can though. Front row seats at a concert will make you as exactly as happy as front row seats at a concert can. When we misplace the value with it, that's where the problem comes in. And so, all too often, this is what we do when we're searching for real life outside of Jesus.
How long has it been since you've been in a real relationship where you felt known, and where you could really be transparent without having to hide all the messiness? Paul, in the book of Colossians, reminds the readers that they were made to have a real relationship with God. Not a relationship where you come to church on Sundays and feel bad about what you did throughout the week and just try harder to be better. You were made, like in the beginning in Genesis, to walk with the Father in the cool of the evening. He wants to know you. He wants to know your voice. He wants that voice in his ear. He wants to have a relationship with you. When you dive into that kind of relationship with Jesus, you will start to have the real joy, peace, hope, love, and transformation that all of us long for, but you have to be real and honest.
DISCUSSION/REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What objects or things have you looked to find real life in? How would you describe your relationship with God in terms of being fully and completely known?
Dena Stewart-Gore