We consistently read in Genesis 1 that “it was evening and it was morning, and it was good.” We see both rhythm and consistency throughout these verses. We are also told that God rested on the seventh day. Knowing this, it is interesting to see how the Israelites would base their daily schedule on the creation account. They would look at what God did in creation, even though there isn't a ton of information there, and they would build their daily rhythms upon the creation story.
The Israelites would actually start their day at 6:00 PM, which is quite different than what we are used to when we think of planning out our day. The time from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM each evening was committed to be a time of connecting with people; a time of relationship, friendships, and community. Then from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM was a time committed to work and productivity, with the hours in-between being for sleep. They would do this for six days, and then on the seventh day they would rest from their work.
Think about the mental shift of what would happen if you thought of your day as starting when you came home from work or class. Most of us think of our day as coming to an end at this point, and we're likely tired. We don't necessarily see that as a time to begin things, but as a time to be drawing things to an end. What if at 6:00 PM you started thinking your day is just beginning? Think about how you want be intentional and give your best to the people closest to you during the beginning of your day.
DISCUSSION/REFLECTION QUESTION: Set your alarm for 5:45 PM this week and try to shift your mind to see 6:00 PM as the start of your day. How does this change or effect things & relationships throughout the week?