The New Testament tells us that Jesus’s righteousness is credited to us when accept him as our savior. It’s the idea that when you experience God's forgiveness, he doesn't just erase your debt so you have a zero balance, but you experience the righteousness of Jesus. It is as if Jesus’s account gets transferred over to your account so that when God looks at you, he doesn't just see a zero balance, but he sees the righteousness of Christ credited to you.
Many people grew up thinking when you become a Christian, you simply follow Jesus and he forgives you. And while that's a big piece of the Gospel, but it doesn't stop with just his forgiveness; you also experience the righteousness of Jesus. He doesn't just look at you and see someone who owes nothing, but he looks at you and he sees the righteousness of Christ on your account.
But this is not the way many of us have been discipled to think of sexual sin. Instead, we were discipled with this idea that even though Jesus has paid your debt and your sins have been forgiven, you're still handed this burden and it's insisted that you continue to carry it. This is not the Gospel of Jesus. The Gospel of Jesus says that you have been freed from the weight of your sins. When you surrender to God, you align your life with him, and you ask him for forgiveness and grace, you give him all your broken pieces to repair and make new.
Gloria Miller