Sin can, sometimes unknowingly, begin to affect every area of your life, particularly your relationships with others. These people have may not done anything wrong to upset or offend you, but when you're simply around them you feel guilty because of what you did wrong. You feel guilt and shame. And instead of dealing with that sin, letting God cleanse you, and take that away, you just stay away from these people in your life that love and care about you. because their existence feels like an indictment on you.
However, there are some simple questions that you can ask yourself to honestly diagnose if you have let sin change and possibly harm your relationships. For instance, do you have a tendency to be fairly critical of other people? The people who are most negative towards the sins of others are often the people who are dealing with their own guilt and shame over their own sin. They haven't experienced God's grace in that area of their lives. So, the way they deal with that guilt is by pointing sin out in other people's lives, in an attempt to try to make themselves feel better by drawing attention to what other people have done. But when you have experienced God's grace and his forgiveness, it makes you gracious.