In Psalm 51, David calls out his own sin, which was certainly difficult for him after trying so hard to simply cover up what he had done wrong. One of the challenges for many of us, because it’s not easy or comfortable, is to identify the sin present in our lives. Calling sin out as sin requires courage.
Sexual sin is defined for us as anything different than what God had in mind when he created sex and sexual intimacy. God's design was for sexual intimacy to be enjoyed between a husband and a wife within the covenant of marriage. So, instead of giving us a comprehensive or exhaustive list of what entails sexual sin, the Bible simply defines God's design and plan. And if it's not a part of this design, then it's sin and sexual immorality.
It can be easy to minimize sexual sin or even blame other people for our sin though. We also can get in the habit of blaming God when faced with our sin. This was how this was how Adam handled his sin in Genesis when he's confronted with it. How does he answer God when asked about eating the forbidden fruit? First, he blames his wife, saying she's the one who gave it to him. Then, Adam blames God. He says, “The woman who you gave me, if you hadn't given this woman to me, then this wouldn’t have happened.”
And we do this too when confronted with our sin, just like Adam. We blame other people and we blame God, which prevents us to accessing the freedom from sin that God wants to give us all.