Jesus is Dignifying

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Southeast Christian Church
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Jesus knows when you or anyone is looking at another person lustfully, and it matters to him how his children are thought about. It matters to Jesus how your sexuality is treated by other people. And this is precisely because Jesus has a high view of our sexuality.

Jesus is protective of our sexuality, precisely because it is worth something and has high value. We may be sexual sinners, but we are still sexual sinners made in the image of God where we reflect of his dignity in this area of life, just as in all other areas of life. Now, this is in stark contrast to how many people think today in society. It's easy for people today to say, “Well, sex is just physical. It's just biology.”

But sex was always designed by God to be not just physical. It was always meant to be about so much more than that. And so, Jesus is dignifying of it. It matters. God cares who you sleep with because you matter to him. But the final thing I want us to see is this, that Jesus is uniquely satisfying. If it's true that we have to lower view of sex culturally where we say it's just physical, another mistake, and we make it at the very same time, is to have too high a view of sex.

We sometimes hear and make it seems as though sex is actually the key to being fulfilled, complete, and whole as a human being. And so, if society’s mistake is to say the sex doesn't mean anything, the other mistake is to say the sex means everything. 

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