Part of God's Plan

Southeast Christian Church
44 1

Have you felt like you’ve been far away from God? Maybe you hadn't been following Jesus, but then you came to this intersection in life and suddenly you were open to the Gospel, where in the past you hadn’t been interested at all. 

All of us have someone like that in our lives. They are at this type of intersection and God is inviting you into their intersection so that you can be the person who points them to Jesus. If we learn to look at life this way, where we really pay attention to people’s intersections, God uses us in some pretty unique and significant ways. 

Almost of us have the tendency to oftentimes avoid certain people or particular situations. We don't want to run into certain people at certain times, especially if it feels like it could possibly be awkward. But frequently, these awkward moments are your best opportunities to make a difference. The very things we avoid or some of the very conversations we try not to have are some of our greatest opportunities.

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  • Derek Works

    Derek Works

    If you recruit someone and help them find Jesus you are bringing them to a love filed life that is the most Powerful love a person can receive.

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