When God’s will doesn’t seem to be going our way, our natural instinct is to assume he isn't present in the situation. As Joseph sat in prison he must have struggled with disappointment and disillusionment. Joseph had worked hard and been faithful at every turn, but the train seemed to have run off the tracks. When God’s will leaves us disappointed, when his answers to our prayers seem unfair, when it feels like he has forgotten about us and we are on our own, how do we respond?
For this week's challenge, take some time each day to spend some time in quiet prayer to recognize all the blessings and good moments (big or small) that God was present in. Then, think about the challenges or difficulties you faced throughout the day and reflect on the fact that God was there in those moments as well. His presence sustains us and empowers us to take one more step, even when the darkness is all around. When we feel his presence, all we can do is respond with praise and trust.
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