My husband has been my wise counsel for 34 + years. He knows he has the privilege to tell me when I am off base, but usually he will wait for me to ask. Last fall was such a time. I was doing a Biblestudy on 1Peter and one of the assignments was to ask your husband if he saw you as being submissive. Now I really thought that I was. When I asked him he said there was one area I fell. He had asked me to lay out his Juice Plus for him every morning for many years. Mind you I did it, but I told people about it in a criticizing way. “I have to lay my husbands Juice Plus out for him everyday or he won’t take it.” I also thought to myself, “he’s a grown man, why can’t he do it himself.” That thought alone should have given me a clue that my heart was not right, but it didn’t. It took my husband to tell me that he did not see this as submission I new he was right. It truly was a blind spot. I was so humbled after being so prideful, because I thought I was doing such a good job at being a submissive wife. I asked for his and the Lord’s forgiveness and they graciously did so. Now I happily lay it out and don’t say anything about it. I am also grateful for the Biblestudy that makes you grow.


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  • Joe Douthitt

    Joe Douthitt

    Gen 2:18 - “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”  The Hebrew word for “helper” is “ezer,” it is most often used to refer to God Himself, as in Psa 121:1 - “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?”  Both God and my wife know me better than anyone, and they both love me in spite of my faults.  My wife is my daily counselor, who helps be the person God intended for me to be.  I pray that I am as good a helper to her.