I was filling up my explorer at Kroger and was done and noticed a young couple counting their cash and it looked like mostly $1’s and it wasn’t much. They seemed bummed out since gas is so high right now. The Holy Spirit was telling me to put $20 in their tank. I hesitated went up to the cashier then was like wait I need ask them if they filled it up. He said no and I said I was doing a challenge and would like to put gas in his tank. He said ok sure. Put $20 in it and he told me God bless you and I said you know Jesus loves you right , I said that wasn’t me putting gas into your tank it was Jesus. He was very grateful with a huge senile on his face. It made me very happy doing that for him. I automatically prayed out loud and my son heard me and knows how happy it made me to be able to do that for someone that the Holy Spirit was telling me to help!!


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  • Janet Jones

    Janet Jones

    So glad you followed the Holy Spirit’s lead and showed them the love of Jesus. 💕💕🙏
  • MaryAnna Phillips

    MaryAnna Phillips

    I love that Holy Spirit worked through you to bless the young couple and that your son was with you to witness your obedience. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼