Went to my first small group last Thursday. This poor group got hit hard with my craziness. I worked all day in a day care and it was Dr. Seuss week. I showed up with blue glitter on my head and all over my outfit, but they still welcomed me. After having our wonderful meal and introducing myself it came really clear that this group understands about a heartbreaking divorce. After sharing my story about the being angry, feeling that justice has not been served and that I’m struggling with forgiving my ex husband. The group opened up and told me they completely understand. They gave wonderful advise how forgiveness is only going set me free from the bitterness and anger. I may never forget but forgiveness needs to happen and that God knows all and He knows how hurt and how hard it was to go through the divorce. I’m trying to take the steps to forgiveness and it may take some time. I struggle with forgiving myself for staying in a marriage that was destroying my spirit but also our children. It was a very unhealthy marriage and I must learn to forgive myself too.


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  • Brooke Jackson

    Brooke Jackson

    Sending prayers for you! I too am in your same boat, what time is this group? I’m so proud of you for being brave and attending even after a long day. God sees your faithfulness
  • Sarah Johnson

    Sarah Johnson

    It’s on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. They meet one day out of the month. Thank you! I use to be the weakest link but I am getting stronger one step at a time.
  • Todd Buckman

    Todd Buckman

    Praying for you and all involved in this circumstance. Two important truths regarding forgiveness: First we must seek reconciliation from God; which already awaits us. We need only seek it. Secondly, forgiveness is always about you. It is not predicated on the response of the other person. This becomes extremely difficult when we have been hurt and may be awaiting the other person to make amends. Whether you are on the side of seeking forgiveness from persons you have wronged or you were wronged, we were never meant to carry the burden of unforgiveness in our heart. It will fester and attempt to rob and steal our peace and joy. It is important to remain patient and realize it can be a lengthy process that requires the strength only found in our Lord and Savior. Praying for a breakthrough for you and the hurt and pain that is surrounding this circumstance. Blessings
  • Jane Whobrey

    Jane Whobrey

    Thanks for sharing Sending prayers