After receiving the one at a time gifting, I prayed over the money that God would let me bless someone who truly needed the money. I have had it in the back of wallet for two weeks now and was wondering when God would call me to bless someone. For some reason it was really on my heart yesterday with the storms so I prayed God would put me in the right place to help someone in need. After finishing at the grocery I walked in the pouring rain to my car and began to unload my groceries, when I heard a timid voice ask, excuse me. When I turned around there there was a woman standing there asking if I would be able to help her get some gas. She started to explain she had fallen on some hard times and just needed a little to get to Versailles. Normally I do not carry cash on me, but I had my envelope. I smiled at her and reached out for her hand. I said you know what, I can help. I grabbed the envelope from my wallet and said I have been praying to God on who to bless with this. I hope you know the power of his love and that he is always with you. Her eyes filled with tears and she said thank you. I handed her the envelope and she asked if she could hug me. So I hugged her tight, looked her in the eyes and said Jesus loves you! She smiled, and said I know and God bless you too.


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