I have a family member raising her 3 grandchildren. She struggles financially and she has several health issues, along with a grandchild in a wheelchair. My mom and I have been saying since Christmas that we wanted to stock her freezer and pantry to help her out. Life kept getting in the way and we hadn’t followed through. When our family and my parents opened our envelopes at church, we all turned to each other and said this family member’s name in unison. This week, my husband bought meat to fill her freezer and my parents bought pantry staples and treats for the kids. I wish you could’ve seen her face!! The kids had already dug into the bucket of cheese puffs before we left!! Then, we handed her the envelope with $40 and told her that was from Southeast to spend where she needed it. That will fill her gas tank to take her grandchildren to visit their mom who is currently in rehab for drug abuse. She has apparently texted what we did to some other family members (who secretly shared the text with me) and the last line of her text was, “God is so good!” Boy is she right!


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  • Diana Janes

    Diana Janes

    Bless you for seeing this need and helping out this family.
  • Jeanna Renner

    Jeanna Renner

    I love this story. I’m thankful for the way you loved this family. I love even more that God is using our ministry to teach us and prompt us to do the will of the Father.
  • Mariana Epperson

    Mariana Epperson

    I love that your family all thought of her immediately. This is a great story!
  • Tanya Murphy

    Tanya Murphy

    How wonderful that you and your family helped this grandmother out! What a beautiful gift! ❤️