This morning while walking our dog, we found $100.00 lying on the ground. There was no one around to claim it so we brought the money home. Tonight we went to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We asked our waitress how we could pray for her. She answered by saying she recently got married, and they bought a home. But her husband was suffering from back pain, needed surgery and couldn’t work. We gave her the $100.00 and told her to use it to help with expenses. We prayed for her and asked God to help this young couple. We believe God wanted us to find the money so we could give it to someone who really needed it. We were blessed by having compassion on this family and reaching out one at a time.


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  • Tammy Nikolas

    Tammy Nikolas

    God absolutely had this plan, so glad you followed his lead and were able to help this newly married couple. Prayers that his surgery goes well. 🙏 God bless.