I was inspired by Mark Moore sharing the story about the Dollar Tree Cashier who is getting flowers on Valentines. I whispered over to my sister at church and told her we should do that for our friend at work. On the way to work this morning I left fifteen minutes early, so I could pick up some flowers. I walked to my friends classroom. She has had a hard year, and I wasn’t sure if she was getting Valentines after her cheating husband walked out. She greeted me with her usual warm “hello”. I pulled out the flowers and handed them to her. I shared how we all loved her as a great co-worker, but Jesus loves her more. I gave her a big hug. She hugged back saying thank you. No one had ever given her flowers on Valentines before, even when she was married. “This is the best Valentine’s day ever!” she shared with me.


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  • George Leon

    George Leon

    thanks for sharing its a nice story made me tear up.
  • Malorie White

    Malorie White

    Hopefully she felt loved, beautiful and cared for. But even more so, I hope she knows she is worthy of finding some who will love her in a healthy way. 😘