As I awake I have prayed for many years before I leave my bed. Always have asked the Lord to take my day. I always sing a song in my head.(don’t want to wake others - singing is only for the Lord) old hymns pop in my head as do just words of praise. I praise him for covering me with his grace and that he would put his desires on my heart. Since this request or challenge was accepted I realized that I needed to be more specific to speak a name of another. So as I close my own thoughts in silence I wait for a name or a group to be on my heart. To bring them to the throne of the Lord. When I am silent I always get an answer. Some mornings it is family some days it is others I have heard about and some days it is groups. Today it is church leaders and those who struggle to walk with them. For I believe as this church moves forward we must cover others with the blood of the lamb for truth, wisdom and grace. I pray that each of us be led to see where we can serve and if we are drawn to do things out of our comfort we will pray for the courage to do this one person at a time one day at a time. But do it with Jesus! Amen


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