Have you lived your life in pursuit of the next best thing to fill the hole in your heart or to satisfy your earthly cravings and desires, whether it's money, job security, or more stuff? These pursuits have probably left you feeling empty, broken, depressed, or anxious. Scripture will lead you into God's way of living and allow you to experience a truly abundant life, where your heart can be full of joy. If life seems dark, meaningless, and unclear, the Scriptures will lead you into God's commands. His commands are a radiating light shining out into the darkness -- revealing purpose, value, and the right way to live in a broken and dark world.
Are you in a season or situation where fear is gripping you? Maybe it’s fear of getting fired, or if the economy will recover, or if the check will clear, or if that person will get better, or if the election will go your way, or if you'll just make it through one more day of what you're facing because you feel like you're at the end of the line. Scripture will lead you into a fear and reverence of God that reminds you that he alone is on the throne, and he is in control over everything. The world doesn't fall and rest on your shoulders, and God is carrying you through this life into eternity.
If life's just seems unfair, if it's ripped away your goals, dreams, and the aspirations, if cancer stole the loved one, if disability marks a child, if death and violence have seemed to have won, the Bible will lead you into a reminder of God's justice. Even in the here and now, there's peace for the moment and comfort for the moment in him. And there's a day coming where every tear will be wiped away and there will be no more sickness, mourning, death, evil, or sin. Jesus wins!
Reflection/Discussion Questions: Which situation best describes where you find yourself today - fear, injustice, or lack of purpose? How can Scripture change your perspective?