Acts 13:48-49 states, “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.” In this passage, we see the Apostle Paul preach a great sermon and the people respond, and that's what we want; we want people to respond to the good news about Jesus. Scripture tells us that we are the salt and light of the earth. So, when someone looks at us and what Jesus is doing in us, they should want something similar to take a hold of their lives and to have the hope and joy that we have on a daily basis.
How do we do that? What is the one thing we do to focus on Jesus and his mission though? If we devote ourselves to God’s Word and his truth, we set ourselves up for victory every time. By being in Scripture, we are able to keep our sights set on Jesus and his mission when we consistently dive into God's Word.
Recent research even shows us how reading your Bible connects to real-life transformation. Studies confirm that reading the Bible four or more times per week reduces excess drinking, viewing pornography, lashing out in anger, gossiping, overeating, and mishandling money – in addition to many more. We have all kinds of great resources available through the Church and other places that you should certainly take advantage of. But if all you do is read God's Word four or more days per week, the way you handle many of life’s stressors and problems will get a whole lot better.
Reflection/Discussion Question: What areas of your life do you think could be improved by reading God's Word more consistently throughout your week?