If death is the ultimate consequence of sin, then Jesus’s resurrection from the grave is the ultimate victory over sin. If Jesus died on the cross but was dead forever, then sin wins. But he rose, meaning the greatest enemy was defeated. So every time the Christian attends a funeral, every time the Christian drives by a cemetery, every time the Christian is reminded of death of a loved one, while it stings, we have a unique hope. We know from Scripture that it’s not the end of their story if they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
In Acts 13:38-39, Paul states, “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.” Everyone who believes in Jesus is made right in God's sight, which is something the law couldn't do or something you can’t do on your own by being good enough. It's all grace and the way you get it isn't to do anything; you just believe and that's it! We've lived under the burden of trying to be good on our own, and thanks to Jesus, we don't have to do that.
In summation, Paul’s sermon says that we had a hope in the Old Testament, but Jesus realized that hope when he was raised from the grave. Jesus offers grace. If you do not have a saving faith in Jesus Christ, the reason we wreck the roof in all kinds of ways as a Church is for you to hear this message of grace and hope that Jesus offers.
Reflection/Discussion Question: What is something you can do today to make sure a friend or family member knows the hope and grace that is available to them through Jesus?