Treasures in Heaven

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Southeast Christian Church
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In psychology, the Law of Exposure says that the input you're most frequently exposed to dramatically shapes how you think, feel, and act. So, your foundation, whether you want it to or not, is largely determined by the Law of Exposure. When you listen to a sermon message, you are exposed to God's Word, and you're exposed to the blueprints and the foundation for the kind of house God wants you to build. But nowadays, there are so many competing voices, and the Law of Exposure would say that we're all going to be exposed to all kinds of different information that is pointing us to other foundations. Whether you want it to or not, these things are having an impact on you, and they are laying a foundation for the house you build. 

So, the question is: What is your foundation? What is the worldview that you're building your life on? Is it a political platform? Is it your career? Is it your financial portfolio? Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 that one day everyone will stand before him and find out their eternal home, their eternal destination. In this passage, Jesus is talking about the day of judgment, when the only thing that really matters is the foundation that you've been building your life on.

Take a breath and ask some hard questions to consider where you're building your house and what kind of foundation you're using, because a storm is coming and it's an apocalyptic storm. It's a storm that's different than anything you would experience here on earth. When that storm comes, those winds blow and those streams rise, your foundation is the only thing that will save you. It's Jesus who does this for us. It's God's grace that's the foundation, and it's Jesus who builds that. We align our lives, we submit ourselves to him, and we let him build our homes. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: Is the foundation that you are currently building what you want to be standing on when the day of judgment comes?

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