Every House Faces a Storm

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Southeast Christian Church
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Sometimes the storms we go through in life are just a light sprinkle, where things are inconvenient but not too bad. But others can feel more like a category five hurricane, where things are overwhelmingly difficult and seem impossible to get through. Every house, or life, faces a storm; it is inevitable. But what we discover is that the storm we go through reveal what a house is made of. Storms reveal the foundation your house is built on; they do so when suddenly you go through something difficult or hard. If you've been building your life on something other than Jesus, it tends to surface during a storm more than any other time. 

Maybe you or someone you know has built their life on something other than the foundation of Jesus, a storm has come, and their house has collapsed. Or maybe you’ve discovered that you didn't even realize you were building on the wrong foundation until the storm came.

Many people have experienced this realization in the last few years. When you step back, you see that so many people just feel overwhelmed with anxiety nowadays. It's because oftentimes the house they built isn't standing up to the storms and they're not sure what to do because they've never really thought about it until the storm hit. They just started building, now the storm has come, and it's exposed that the foundation isn't good or strong.

Reflection/Discussion Question: What storms in your life have revealed truths about the foundation that you've built your house on?

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