Job's Struggles

Southeast Christian Church
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If our eyes are fixed on our suffering, it’s easy to believe the lies from the enemy that God doesn’t care. Usually, in the midst of suffering we can be strong for a little while, but we eventually crack if our foundation isn’t built upon the truth of who God is.

In the beginning of Job, we learn that Job had a loving family, financial security, and a faithful relationship with God, but it seems like Job’s wife got caught up in the lie that God is good because of their good life. Once Job’s good life was gone, she stopped trusting in His goodness.

Many of us live in this lie, but we often don’t realize we believe it until our world comes crashing down—much like Job’s—and we’re left with nothing. Is God still good when it seems like there is nothing good left in our lives?

If our foundation isn’t built on the solid rock of truth when the rain comes down, the streams rise, and the winds blow, our lives will fall with a great crash (Matthew 7:27). If we believe that God exists to make our lives happy, peaceful, and comfortable, then we are building our lives on sand. If we believe that we exist to bring God glory and that God—in his sovereignty—works all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28), then we are building our lives on solid rock.

We cannot assume we are building our lives on the solid rock if we aren’t spending time with God. In a world flooded with lies, we will not be able to hold onto the truth if we aren’t intentionally spending time with Jesus—in prayer, in meditation, in the Bible, in community with other believers, in church, under the teaching of church leaders. These things will not just happen, they take intentional planning and re-ordering of our lives to incorporate these practices into our every day rhythms.

Reflection/Discussion Question: When your life started to crumble or something didn’t go your way, how did you respond to God?

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