See God Clearly

Southeast Christian Church
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When the gospel is alive inside of you, people around you will start taking notice. As Paul shows us through his example in the book of Philippians, the gospel is just as powerful when you're chained to a guard as when you're on the streets leading people to Jesus. Even though being chained to a guard in prison is not a place that Paul would have chosen for himself, it demonstrated to a lot of people that God's plans were better than Paul's plans. God's plans are always better than anything that we could plan for ourselves. When people see that we are following God’s plan even when it goes against worldly logic or our own human desires, we are displaying a strong and powerful faith that can’t help but impact others around us.

Paul saw struggles as opportunities to fuel the faith of others. In verse 14 of Philippians 1, he says, “And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.” Paul certainly had other plans for this time of ministry, but he was able to reframe and reset his attitude and expectations around what was truly going to be best in order to bring more people to know Christ. Paul’s demonstration of his confidence and hope being in God during his struggles and hard times changed the way people viewed their own circumstances and Christianity as a whole.

Reflection/Discussion Question: Who in your life has demonstrated a willingness to accept and embrace God’s plan, even if it was very different than their own?

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