Admitting that we don’t have things together and can’t handle things on our own is never easy for most of us. Where do you turn when you finally get to the point where you realize you can’t handle your struggles on your own? When is the last time you’ve said “God, I don't have it” in the middle of something difficult? We need to lean into God and his Word in these moments. When we do this, in Christ, we can endure and go through things that we never thought we could.
The Holy Spirit inside of you can make you strong and allow you to face down things that those without the Spirit could not. You are a son or daughter of the Most-High King and as such, you have every resource available to you that Jesus had. When you start getting in the habit of reframing your perspective on what you have available inside of you, then you start to recognize that you are actually internally what you claim and long to be externally. And that gives us hope during our struggles; we can be strong and confident in the face of difficulties.
If you'll trust God with the weight, lean into his presence, take him up his Word, and understand who you really are, then you’ll start doing things and being able to carry things that you never dreamt possible. You're going to start recognizing that, even when things go wrong and everything else seems to be crumbling, you still know who you are and you know who God is. You start having this confidence and strong expectation of what God can do. So, your struggle becomes an opportunity for God to grow something powerful inside of you.
Reflection/Discussion Question: When in your life have you experienced God growing you in the midst of your struggles?