Extend Forgiveness

Southeast Christian ChurchSoutheast Christian Church
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Some of you have been wronged or deeply wounded by someone else, maybe even someone that you loved and trusted. You continue to hold onto these feelings of revenge and resentment with a pretty tight grip. Most of us have struggled with forgiving someone in our life, and those seasons are tough. But we discover that oftentimes as time passes, your anger gradually builds and your inner resentment can become all consuming. 

In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.” So, from God's viewpoint, you have committed murder in your mind when you want to return evil for evil.

One of the best ways to begin the process of forgiving someone and letting go of your anger is to praying for that other individual. It's more difficult to be mad at someone when you pray for them. When you begin to pray for that other person, God always reveals something. He reveals your sin, your multiplicity of sins. 

Yet the greatest motivation that drives us to forgiveness is often our own sins and our own knowledge of all the wrongdoings that God's ever forgiven us of. If you are not the worst sinner that you know, then perhaps you're not being honest. Life's too short to let someone else's past behavior mess up your life and affect your present and future. Let go of that injustice, and extend the same forgiveness that you want, and that you've received from Christ onto others who have wronged you. Your vertical relationship with God is weakened when your horizontal relationships with others are strained. But when your vertical relationship with God and your horizontal relationship with others are in sync, they paint a picture of the cross. 

Discussion/Reflection Question: Where in your life are their strained relationships with others that are causing your relationship with God to be weakened?

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