In a world divided, one of our greatest downfalls in understanding who Jesus is, is when we try to fit him into the box of our own opinions. First, we pick a side, then we rationalize why Jesus belongs on our side. The problem is, Jesus is on his own side. Jesus isn’t interested in picking sides or siding with our human opinions—he is the King of Kings.
This is ultimately what got Jesus killed: He didn’t pick a side. If Jesus lived among us today, we still would have killed him for not picking a side. We are more concerned with political, theological, and social ideologies and using Jesus as an argument for why our side is “right.” We desperately want to understand Jesus through our human lenses of opinion and thought, but Jesus cannot be contained to what our finite minds can comprehend. It’s time we took Jesus’s side and rejected the polarity of the world.
If we can first get to know Jesus as he is, then we can look at the world through the lens of love and compassion with which Jesus looks at the world. Instead of identifying with our side, we can identify with the King of Kings. Instead of focusing on choosing a side, we can focus on being chosen by God.
Reflection/Discussion Question: What would it look like for you to focus on being chosen by Jesus over trying to make Jesus fit on your side