We often miss God because we can’t take our eyes off of ourselves. When we read the Bible, we can get concerned with making everything about ourselves that we don’t really get to know God. Instead of letting the chapters and verses teach us about the character of God, we ask, “What is this saying about me and my life?” We get so fixated on God’s plan for our own lives that we miss his activity. God has become a tool to help us get to know ourselves, but what we will find is that we cannot know ourselves without first knowing God. We cannot get to know what God is doing in our lives without understanding that his plan doesn’t revolve around us.
We crave recognition, but we were made to worship God. Once we remove ourselves from the spotlight and give God his rightful praise, we will start to see more clearly. Not only will we get to know God for who he is, rather than what he can do for us, we will also start to see ourselves more clearly. We will see that we are deeply loved by God in a way we can never earn and don’t deserve. We will see that we’ve been given the grace to be used by God in his glorious plan to reconcile all people to himself. We will see that we are insignificant, but God gives us significance.
Reflection/Discussion Question: How have you been placing yourself at the center of God’s plan, instead of God?