Earthly Santification

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Southeast Christian Church
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In Colossians 3, the apostle Paul echoes of the words of Jesus - inviting us into a newness of life through the means of sanctification. When we look at verses 5 through 11, Paul gives us a series of charges that will greatly determine the trajectory of our walk with Christ and our life with others. In this passage, Paul calls us away from many things. He says, put to death sexual immorality because any form of sex outside of marriage offends God. He says to put to death anything that makes you or your motives impure because we are called to live lives that are pleasing to God. And for the pleasure of God, Paul also says to put away lust, evil desires, and greed. These are all things that point to idolatry or making something God created more important than our devotion to him.

The next list in these verses calls us to put away anger, wrath, malice, slander, and filthy language. Again, reminding us that unsubmitted anger is like a slow cooker, and it becomes deep-seated malice when we refuse to reconcile with others. This is a reminder that life and death are in the tongue, and lying, slander, and filthy language wages war against the soul. Instead, Paul calls us to remember who we are and to look to Heaven in order to be reminded of who image we have been called to bear. We become those who display, to a world that lives in perpetual brokenness, a beautiful alternative that exists in Christ. Sanctification is not just for the sake of our individual holiness, but it's also for the sake of godly connection and witness to others. 

Discussion/Reflection Question: Reflect on the term “sanctification” and what it means. Would this be a way that others would characterize your life?

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