Prayer can be difficult to implement into your marriage. Why is that? It can feel awkward or uncomfortable. We can feel like we don’t have the time to fit it in. Or maybe you have a consistent prayer time, but it’s gotten repetitive or monotonous. It feels like you’re just fitting it into a routine, so it’s lost authenticity. Or maybe you feel burned by the fact that you were consistent with prayer, but never seemed to see any fruit. Whatever the reason, I would venture to say that most of us struggle with meaningful prayer in our marriages.
Prayer is an act of submission to Christ. When you join together in prayer, you are acting in obedience to the many calls to consistent prayer in scripture. When you pray out loud together, you hear each others’ hearts. It can help you express what you may not be able to express through conversation or actions. If we knew the power of prayer, we wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to pray together. It would transform our marriages.
Satan loves when we are too busy to pray. He loves when we push it to the side again and again because it gives him opportunity to slip in lies such as: “You’ll pray for each other on your own, throughout the day.” “You’re too tired to pray, pick a different time.” “It will become monotonous and meaningless if you try to pray at the same time every day. It’s better to make it spontaneous, when it’s needed.” We’ve all bought into one or more of Satan’s lies about prayer. Why would he feed us these lies? Because he knows the power of prayer probably deeper than we do, so he wants to keep us busy, distracted, and dismissive.
Prayer will change your marriage. Will you act in obedience and trust that it will?
Reflection/Discussion Questions: How does your prayer life look in your marriage? What lies about prayer have you bought into?