If we want an example of generosity then we can look no further than God himself. And before we distance ourselves from this example because he’s our all-powerful God and we’re ordinary humans, we can take a look at the way God has given to us: He has always given out of love.
It was out of his deep love for the world that he gave us Jesus. When we receive the gift of Jesus we are receiving the greatest gift of love expressed through sacrificial generosity. When we receive the gift of Jesus we are saying that we couldn’t save ourselves, that our good works are nothing but dirty rags, and that we are in desperate need of a savior.
But, often our response to the gift of Jesus is to pick up the work that God began and try to finish it on our own. We turn to our own “good” works and the world’s definition of a full life. We forget that “every good and perfect gift” comes from God (James 1:17, NIV) and, instead, claim our gifts, talents, abilities, and successes as our own. When we start separating things in our lives as “mine” and “God’s” we close our fists around what we think we earned and chase after what we think we deserve. We forget the sacrificial generosity of God and trade it for the fleeting pleasures of this world.
Sometimes we have to lose everything to be awakened to the reality that Job voices: “‘Naked I came form my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised’” (Job 1:21, NIV). Sometimes we simply need a reminder from the Lord that he is the only giver of all that is good. Let us wake up each day, looking to Jesus as a reminder that God’s love was expressed through sacrificial generosity. Let us humbly receive that gift and joyfully respond in the same love towards others.
Reflection/Discussion Question: Take time to reflect on the gifts the Lord has given you. Give thanks to God. Then, decide how you might implement this habit of reflecting on the generosity of God in your every day routine.