After many ups and downs, twists and turns, Joseph sees the dream he had years ago has finally come to fruition. When he is reunited with his brothers, he can finally see how one thing led to another. He explains to them, “What you meant for evil, God was working out for good.” The highest view of God’s sovereignty is not that he is a cosmic micromanager, forcing every event to occur, but that he is wise, in control, and that he is weaving everything together for our good and his glory.
For this week's challenge, find some way to serve someone else in a way you haven't before. It could be in a big way, a small gesture, or a weekly commitment to serve in local ministry. We know that when you do those small things, great things can happen through God's power in ways that we don't even see or anticipate. As Christ's followers, we are to seek and save the lost by serving them.
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