My brother has been battling addiction for 10 years. This year alone he has overdoesed 3 times this passed weekend he had overdosed and they brought him back in time, he kept denying rehab up until a cop and my neighbor told him he would die that night if he didn’t get help. He went to the hospital and told our father he didn’t want to die. He’s been a non believer all his life he decided he was going to rehab and this past Sunday he went to church twice and said he was trying to find if God was real. The other thing is his roommates name is Jesus. I believe Gods timing is perfect and I believe God will bring him through his addiction and give him the strength he needs.


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  • Cynthia  Klausing

    Cynthia Klausing

    Oh sweet girl, you have a strong faith and addiction Is such a long road . Don’t give up and keep praying for God to act in your brother’s life . Speak life to him and learn as much scripture as you can so you can share the LIVING WORD with him . Pray continually and give it all To Jesus.
  • Brandon Davis

    Brandon Davis

    What a awesome story & yes I believe that our lord will bring him Thru this stormy season! Why do I believe this well because thru the blood of Jesus I have been washed of my sins & baptized & raised to a new life in Christ which freed me from that bondage of addiction so with that being said I pray that the lord breaks those chains for your brother & gives him comfort & a changed mind amen
  • Jane Whobrey

    Jane Whobrey

    Sending prayers 🙏🏼
  • Tiffany Liew

    Tiffany Liew

    Sending prayers.
  • Janie Dunn

    Janie Dunn

    I’ve read this a couple times Mercedes. Your love & light are shining so much brighter than your aware. Continue to pray and encourage your brother & others, you are making a difference!